This year for Lent, let’s practice our faith and grow closer to Jesus together by exploring and trying a variety of spiritual practices outlined in the book Wake Up to Wonder by Karen Marsh. Beginning Sunday March 9th, we will join other churches across our Synod for a collaborative series leading us to the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Pick up a copy of Wake Up to Wonder at church, or order online: Wake Up to Wonder: 22 Invitations to Amazement in the Everyday: Karen Wright Marsh: 9781587435805: Books. Read along as we focus on a few practices each week. Reflect with others during weekly Zoom Bible Studies (see schedule below). Hear more during Sunday Morning and Wednesday Evening Mid-Week Worship. Engage with author Karen Wright Marsh at a workshop on March 22.
"I don't need to find and follow a perfect plan (What a relief!). What I need is people to follow - older sisters, brothers, mentors, spiritual friends who have been this way before." Karen Wright Marsh. Let's join her and others seeking meaning and purpose this Lenten Season.