Invitation to Wonder - Lenten Series

This year for Lent, let’s practice our faith and grow closer to Jesus together by exploring and trying a variety of spiritual practices outlined in the book Wake Up to Wonder by Karen Marsh. Beginning Sunday March 9th, we will join other churches across our Synod for a collaborative series leading us to the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. 

Pick up a copy of Wake Up to Wonder at church, or order online: Wake Up to Wonder: 22 Invitations to Amazement in the Everyday: Karen Wright Marsh: 9781587435805: Books.  Read along as we focus on a few practices each week. Reflect with others during weekly Zoom Bible Studies (see schedule below).  Hear more during Sunday Morning and Wednesday Evening Mid-Week Worship. Engage with author Karen Wright Marsh at a workshop on March 22. 

"I don't need to find and follow a perfect plan (What a relief!). What I need is people to follow - older sisters, brothers, mentors, spiritual friends who have been this way before." Karen Wright Marsh. Let's join her and others seeking meaning and purpose this Lenten Season. 

Weekly Invitations

Each week you will be invited to notice God's Wonder in a special way, learning and practicing some of the things faithful men and women have done throughout history to find meaning and purpose in their life and faith:

Week 1, March 8-15: Wake Up

Week 2, March 16-22: Reach Out

Week 3, March 23-29: Go Deep

Week 4, March 30- April 5: Dwell

Week 5, April 6-12: Revisit

You can find more information and videos to go along with each invitation here.

Wake Up to Wonder Workshop

March 22, 8:30-11:30am

Meet author, Karen Wright Marsh and join others Waking Up to Wonder this Lenten Season. 

Karen Marsh will lead a workshop, discussing the spiritual practices and experiences which led her to write her book, “Wake up to Wonder,” and talk about what it can mean for your life and faith. 

This workshop will be held at Lutheran Church of the Master in Troy, MI. Please register by signing up in the church narthex, indicating if you would like to carpool from our church parking lot, leaving at 8am.

Registration cost $5 and includes a continental breakfast beginning at 8:30am, the program begins at 9. Place registration fee in offering designated “Workshop,” or drop off at church office.

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